Here you are

Maybe you asked, maybe you were sent a link, maybe you are seeking, maybe you are curious, maybe you are just lost, or maybe you knocked and this door was opened

It doesn’t matter how you got here

It doesn't matter what color you are, what gender you are or who you love or hate

It doesn't matter if you couldn't pass the eighth grade or if you are a walking encyclopedia

It doesn't matter if you think you are worthless or God's gift to humanity

It doesn't matter what you've done and what you didn't do

It doesn't matter who you've abused or who abused you

It doesn't matter if you were are accused, convicted, oppressed or broken

It doesn't matter if you are old and still can't find your way or if you are young and the path lay ahead

It doesn't matter who you vote for or who your friends are

It doesn't matter if you walk in the Spirit or if you don't even know what a Christian is

What matters is that you clicked this link and we believe it is the Holy Spirit that calls you

We welcome you to join us

We are the Church, the living and working Body of Christ

Our hope and prayer is that you will put away your prejudices, join us and come to understand what salvation through Christ Jesus is and accept the Grace that ensures eternal life

We are flawed, but we know God's love and the Living Word and we can show you the humble and lowly path that is the Way

Your heart, your mind, your spirit, your soul, your strength, your will...the very Holy Spirit of God longs for all of who you are

And He whispers to you in a thunderous voice


to turn away the world and come to Him